StuSta Gapp

by Aymane Chaoui

Food & Drink


StuSta Gapp helps you manage and keep track of drinks in a gap of any house in StuSta. It is built for both Customers and Drink Managers. Gapp replaces the old paper based system with a modern new system. ConvenienceYou dont have to write your name or draw lines on a sheet of paper anymore, you can now quickly and easily add drinks to your tab right here in the Gapp! AccuracySince the system is completely automated, there will be no mistakes in counting anyones drinks, and you can be sure that you are paying exactly for the drinks you added to your tab. SecurityThanks to a secure authentication and authorization system, only you and the Drink Manager (Bierwart) can modify your data, so no one would be able to sneakily put drinks on your tab anymore. TransparencyAll data, including transactions, are there for everyone to see. Except private data which only you and the Drink Manager can see (e.g: Email, Phone Number). AutomationAfter your pay in PayPal, your payment will be automatically added to the Gapp (after PayPal processes the payment). This means you get up to date Gapp Balance info which allows doing many fun things, like having a Hall of Fame and Hall of Shame leaderboards to list the most and the least honorable debt payers, or to know your own balance in real-time and pay in a timely manner.